Nashville Public Television’s latest Report to the Community, our annual report of the station’s activities and finances, is available online and in hard copy. The document includes overviews of NPT’s original productions and events – all virtual this time – from July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021 (Fiscal Year 2021).
In the 2021 Report to the Community, you’ll find information on:
- NPT’s FCC-mandated transition to a new frequency.
- The Emmy-nominated and well-received Facing North: Jefferson Street, Nashville documentary.
- The Black Church Mapping Project.
- Community engagement and fundraising events that went virtual during the pandemic.
- Awards won by the station for digital projects, marketing and social media campaigns, as well as broadcast productions.
- And much more!
View the 2021 Report to the Community online as either a flipbook or a downloadable PDF and be sure to explore the various clickable links throughout for access to videos and digital projects.