About Nashville PBS Media Update

About Nashville PBS:

Nashville PBS is available free and over-the-air to nearly 2.4 million people throughout the Middle Tennessee and southern Kentucky viewing area. WNPT’s four broadcast channels are WNPT, the main channel; secondary channel WNPT2 (WORLD Channel); WNPT3, a 24/7 PBS Kids channel; and WNPT4 (Create TV). Nashville PBS is also available to anyone in the world through its array of Nashville PBS digital services, including wnpt.org, YouTube channels and the PBS video app. Nashville PBS provides, through the power of traditional television and interactive digital communications, quality educational, cultural and civic experiences that address issues and concerns of the people of the Nashville region, and which thereby help improve the lives of those we serve.

NASHVILLE PBS MEDIA UPDATE, edited by MiChelle Jones, Director of Communications, is about WNPT, what’s on TV, station events, etc. We welcome your comments. Write MiChelle at mjones@wnpt.org.


I would like to purchase a copy of Next Door Neighbors: Little Kurdistan, USA – is this possible? A professor at Harvard Graduate School of Education would like to show it in her Spring 2009 course Comparative Perspectives on Immigration & Educaional Policy.
Best wishes,

In the beginning of November I sent off for two DTV converter coupons. My husband and I were both laid off this year, so new TVs are out of the question. My coupons should have arrived by 12/12. When they did not, I emailed only to find out that they had been sent and I was no longer qualified because the two had been used. Evidently, someone stole our two coupons and used them. Now, we have been tagged as not eliegible to recive them, if they are available and the DTV folks have never answered my request for replacement. This whole thing is a real mess. Especially, the idea that everyone can just run out and get a new tv. We live out in the country and PBS is our primary station. I am really concerened about what will happen.

Hi Emmaline, unfortunately, NPT2 is currently not available on AT&T. But if you’ve got a digital TV, or a TV with a converter box, you can always pull it in over-the-air on 8.2.

Hope that helps!


I am very interested in purchasing 2 copies of “A Chronicle of Dick Proenneke’s Adventures Living Off the Land in a Remote Part of Alaska”.

I live in east Tennessee and my sister-in-law lives in Missouri. We viewed this documentary in Lewisburg, KY and we found it so interesting that we wish to own a copy. Is this possible. I found this listed under NPT2 8.2. I really hope this will be possible.

Thank you,
Tracy L. Shannon

Will the nutrition program (which aired on Tuesday morning by Daniel Acker, I believe) be shown again? I need to write down some of the info that I missed. We sure do wish we could get it on AT&T U-Verse! When will it available?

I liked your cartoon , hispanic mother and daughter talking mother’s life when she came to USA as immigrant- working and going to school while having two kids to raise.
This was really inspiring for any immigrants

I have a knockout rosebush that is pink when it blooms. This year, I had one rose bud on it that was red with white petals on it. How could this happen since the remainder of the bush was pink? Jerry Shaw, Lafayette

We have a good fiber optic cable TV service in Clarksville provided by the local electric company, CDE Lightband. It offers a reasonable number of channels in HD but one huge gap is WNPT. All the other local network airwave broadcast stations are provided in HD, but WNPT is transmitted to us in the lowest resolution with the sides of the rectangular picture cut off. It is extremely frustrating, and I have complained multiple times for more that a year to CDE about this. The answers I have received have been non-committal. I am about to dump the CDE service for this one reason. Can you explain why Lightband does not offer WNPT in HD?

Is there way to get this blog emailed when it’s updated? I wanted to enter the SHERLOCK season four finale screening contest today, but didn’t find out about it ’til the day after the contest ended…

You could try lobbying AT&T to carry NPT2, doing so is solely at their discretion. Meanwhile, was there a particular program you were trying to view? I may be able to help you find it online or on our main channel.

Hi, Teresa: We currently air Margaret Richards’ “Body Electric” workout show at 5:30 a.m. weekdays. Is this the show you had in mind?

Why is a college football game currently being shown on WNPT2? I just scrolled through the channels and found 13 other college games being televised right now. I enjoy football, but I don’t donate to our PBS stations to watch football games. Whoever is the programming director, please reconsider. Thanks.

You are right, there were a lot of football games on Saturday. The football game shown on NPT2 was part of the weekly Tennessee Channel block of programming carried by all of Tennessee’s public television stations. Public television was the only place the game, which featured local teams, was broadcast.

Sorry I am leaving this as a Reply… I tried leaving a Comment but it does not work.
I live in clarksville and, although I was getting 8.1 and 8.2 just fine. Then I just could not get them anymore. I have an antenna rotator and my antenna is mounted outside on a 20 foot pole. The antenna is large and made for picking up 100 miles plus stations. It is pointed at 150 degrees (compass).
I get every station in the area just fine but 8.1 and 8.2 just don’t exist anymore.
I tried running auto scan on my TV multiple times.
Any ideas? I miss my NPT!

Ah, well, that’s easy. With ATT, you’ll only be able to watch our main channel. If you can watch over-the-air, you’ll find NPT2 WORLD at 8.2, NPT3 PBS Kids at 8.3 and NPT4 Create at … (you’re probably sensing a pattern here) 8.4.

What can be done to get our entire family of channels via your cable provider? Aside from calling, writing, cajoling your ATT, nothing. 😕

Please correct your schedule for NPT4 (CreateTV). Your weekday schedule has the wrong listing for 6 and 6:30 am. What is actually on is “Classical Stretch (CS)” and “Sit and Be Fit (SBF)”, but these are never listed. Instead the listings are for such shows as “Best of Sewing with Nancy” or “Paint This”. I’m tired of getting up to see one show and ending up with CS or SBF.

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