The Ask This Old House crew pulled into Middle Tennessee last fall to help homeowners with three projects, including a Sylvan Park couple who wanted to transform their side door into a Dutch door. General contractor Tom Silva helped homeowner Elayne complete the project. “It’s really a half-hour job,” Silva quipped, noting that in TV time that meant a long day of shooting. This segment premieres in NPT’s viewing area on Thursday, Jan. 25, at 7 p.m. on NPT2 during the second half hour of This Old House Hour (Episode #1612) and as a standalone Ask This Old House on Saturday, Feb. 3, at 5 p.m. on NPT.
Additional airtimes for the This Old House Hour are:
- Friday, Jan. 26, 3 a.m. on NPT2
- Saturday, Jan. 27, 4 a.m. on NPT
- Saturday, Jan. 27, 2 p.m. on NPT2
- Thursday, Feb. 1, 5 p.m. on NPT

Elayne Crain, a natural on camera, gamely took part in the process, at one point helping to brace the door on sawhorses. “I’m gonna show off my nails because I just painted them,” she said. Her bungalow was built in 1918 and has already seen several home-improvement projects, a few involving their two young sons, the couple said. (The children weren’t present on the day of the shoot, but their playhouse was a source of mirth for the ATOH crew and visiting NPT staffers.)
While in the Nashville area, the ATOH team filmed additional segments (airdates to be announced) about a plumbing issue and used landscaping to address a privacy concern.

ATOH’s plumber Richard Trethewey and producers Heath Racela and Sarah Chasse. also and attended an invitation-only fundraising event hosted by NPT supporters Steve Sirls and Allen DeCuyper at their historic home with proceeds benefiting Nashville Public Television’s educational, cultural and civic programming.
Hi can you tell me the name of the Banjo music being played in the background while Tom is working on the door
We’re working on getting an answer for you–the Ask This Old House crew is filming new episodes right now, but we’ll get back to you when we hear from them! Thanks for watching (and listening to) NPT.
And here’s the answer, direct from “Ask This Old House”:All of our recent music (within the last 3-4 years) is custom made for us by Jordan Critz, a music producer based in the Nashville area. It’s not commercially available. Jordan does have some EPs on iTunes, but they’re pretty different stylistically than what he writes for us.”
Meanwhile, there’s this: