The Matt Emigh Inaugural Bicycle Commute: Part Two (NOW WITH VIDEO)

Joe Pagetta and Will Pedigo present part two of the Matt Emigh Inaugural Bicycle Commute: The Ride Home

A few of us at NPT enjoy two wheeled transport whenever weather, work flow and motivation permit (the holy trinity of bike commuting for us less than hard core riders).  You may have noticed our previous blog entry about NPT videographer Matt Emigh’s inaugural bicycle commute to work.  Well, now we wanted to share some video of Matt’s first ride home.  Here is a little recap of the morning’s ride in, and a hint of what is to come…

Will the hill conquer Matt Emigh’s soul? Will the contents of Matt Emigh’s stomach remain intact? Stay tuned…

WATCH: The Ride Home Begins

It was an absolutely gorgeous day, and I am remembering it fondly as I type this amidst a morning downpour… Thirty percent chance of rain, yeah right!  I was really excited about biking in today, but amicable work flow and motivation got beat out by weather.  Since this return ride post has been a little delayed by the video editing, I have had more time to talk with Matt about the ride, and I can say with confidence that I think he is hooked. 

Bike commuting is definitely as much an aesthetic experience as a physical and mental one.  The physical bit is obvious, and mentally, you have to be alert both to your surroundings and manage your relationship to the bike averse Nashville traffic, but aesthetically, you see all the intimacies of environment taken for granted in the comfort of your cage (traditional four wheel transport).  The cracks, potholes, and road debris come alive on two thin tires, as do the buildings and minutia of your commute.  The ride to work becomes more a part of who you are, as you recognize the personal geography you inhabit on a day to day basis.

Matt, Joe and myself had a great ride together, though I must say you may have gotten the wrong idea from Joe’s first post that I had a “companions be damned – I will ride at my own pace” attitude… The reality of the situation?  I mean, I was riding a single speed cruiser, and Joe Pagetta was on a blisteringly fast Bianchi, the Ferrari of road bikes.  Well, as a documentarian, I will let the unbiased camera speak for itself.  Please view the following video, and come to your own conclusion.

WATCH: Video Evidence Exhibit A

Anywhoo, you are probably wondering, “now what about that whole last hill issue?”  The commute back to my East Nashville abode takes us through the Shelby bottoms, and back up and out to the 19th Avenue entrance.  Matt, was dreading it, and Joe and I were placing bets on whether Matt would be able to complete the hill with his shoes on the cranks.  My dollars were riding on my friend’s success by the way…

Here we are headed into the Shelby Bottoms, with Matt enjoying the bucolic lakeside view preparing to take on the hill…

WATCH: Shelby Bottoms

Ok, so Matt is officially “syked” for the hill, and as a constant encourager I have offered a cold union-made adult beverage at the end if he can make it all the way (secretly I know I will give him the beer either way, but shhh….)

Let’s see the uncut unabridged attack on Hill 19 and find out what happens at the end of it all…

WATCH: The Hill uncut

Thanks for spending a little time celebrating Matt Emigh’s Inaugural bicycle commute.  Let his efforts be an encouragement to us all.  To find out more, get that rusty bike out of the garage, and your feet on the cranks in a neighborhood near you.

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Great video clips there. I live six miles from my workplace and have been doing some late night walking home lately. I’d love to get a bicycle soon and shorten the trip a bit. Of course, more bicycle lanes in Nashville would make my family feel a bit better about my safety. Happily, I’m seeing more and more progress in that regard.

I hope all is well your way.


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