NPT2 : More Television Worth Watching

By Lesley Parks
NPT Intern

Charlie Rose
With the digital transition successfully on track, NPT’s second digital channel, NPT2, is available to all viewers. This knowledge-based, community resource of educational, civic, and cultural programs, series, and events, has an emphasis on local programming.

This second channel allows for distribution of even more local content than NPT channel 8 can air. Every session of the Tennessee House of Representatives is broadcasted live, and other local, station-oriented content, such as conferences and lectures from Nashville Universities and non-profits like the Frist Center for Visual Arts are broadcasted on NPT2.

NPT is unable to broadcast all of the content available to PBS stations. With NPT2, more of these shows can be distributed to the Nashville audience. Some popular PBS shows aired on NPT2 include BBC World News at 6 am and 5 pm, Charlie Rose, an interview show at 11 am, Journal , a daily news broadcast from Berlin at 3:30 pm, and Tavis Smiley, a late-night half-hour series, featuring a mix of guests from politics and the arts at 4:30 pm.

In the mornings, news and other adult programs are scheduled on NPT2 to counteract the children’s programming that airs in the morning on NPT. NPT2 also repeats primetime NPT shows in the mornings and afternoons. “This is a good reference for people to have,” said Justin Harvey, Programming Director for the station, “when people call to ask about a program that’s already aired on NPT, we can usually direct them to the repeat on NPT2.”

NPT2 is available to viewers on Comcast Digital Cable channel 241, Charter Digital Cable channel 176, or over-the-air on channel 8.2.

The complete WNPT schedule is available at

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can i not get npt 2 on regular cable? i was so disappointed last night when the dulcimer show was on and my husband could get it upstairs on our analog tv but i couldn’t get it on cable.

the complete npt schedule is at

Boyd, If you use the earlier/later arrows at you can access a more extensive NPT2 schedule.

Kat, glad you’re access NPT2 over-the-air at 8.2. What cable provider do you have? You can access NPT2 at Comcast Digital Cable channel 241 or Charter Digital Cable channel 176.

We really enjoy this channel, however, nearly everything we watch will have numerous episodes of the programs freezing, then the picture will pixelate several times before hopefully continuing. Sometimes the screen just goes black for a number of seconds. It is so irritating. Is there any way to avoid this?

Hi Glena,

Hmmm….sorry you’re having these difficulties. First question, are you watching NPT2 over-the-air with an antenna, or on a cable system? Second question, does this happen on regular NPT channel as well?

Let me know and we can proceed from there.


I watched with much interest very late one night last month, on NPT2 the documentary “Sweet Misery”. I got up and grabbed pencil and paper and jotted down key things about the Dangers of Aspartane and Aspartic acid and MSG as poisonous substances containing three ingredients, one wood alcohol and two others I didn’t get written down.
Also the very interesting History of this additive beginning back in 1972 when Searle developed it, and later as it got railroaded through the FDA.
Everyone I tell about this show wants to know so much more than I can remember about it. It’;s frustrating me that I can not seem to find much on this here on your website!
I can only tell them so much. So I needed to ask:

1. Is there a way to access this documentary, or at least the facts pertaining to it, online?
2. Is it at all possible to watch a playback online?If not,
3. Will you air this Documentary again? If so when?

Hi Charles. Thanks for writing. “Sweet Misery” aired on NPT2 as part of our DOCUMENTARY CHANNEL Programming, back when the DOC CHANNEL was broadcasting on NPT2 in the evenings (it no longer is). You’re in luck, though, online. The entire is documentary is available on the DOC CHANNEL’s You Tube channel at:

While watching the TN House of Representatives the sound is cut between motions and restored after motions have begun causing the viewer to miss parts of what was said. Since the video stays on constantly why wouldn’t the audio stay on as well. We are watching the whole session but only receiving part of the information. Thank you.

I am so happy that I discovered NPT2 while flipping channels. I can now watch Charlie Rose without staying up so late at night! I find it very satisfying to be able to watch a program twice so I don’t miss anything.

The only problem is that the audio goes off many times. The video stays on but the sound goes off. Can this be fixed? I hope so.

Where is the actual NPT station located and are volunteers ever needed?

I am on a limited income but I am going to try to work NPT into my budget for next year, if not able to monetarily maybe through volunteering in some way.

If all television stations demanded the quality programs that are available on NPT our children would be the best educated and emphathetic citizens in the world and we wouldn’t have to be so worried about having police protection in the schools teaching our children the world is a dangerous place.

God bless. Keep up the good work!

I am trying to find the name of the song at the end of Kentucky Wild Side and the woman who sang it. Not sure I have the name correct. One segment was on hiking with immigrant children.

We missed the Patsy Cline American Masters documentary due to being out of the country. We have AT&T Uverse. Can we see it on NPT2? I don’t see how via AT&T… What a disappointment! Is it scheduled to air again? Hope so. Thank you.

Hi, Kira: So far there are no additional March airdates for the Patsy Cline: American Experience, but I’ll pass along your message to the programming department. Meanwhile, I’m afraid Uverse does’t carry NPT2 (but please tell them you’d like them to and maybe they will add it).

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