COVID-19 vaccines are now available in Tennessee and older adults have priority access. However, there is a limited supply of vaccines and the state is also aiming to inoculate front-line workers in its phased vaccination plan. As distribution protocols are finessed and more is learned about the vaccine’s effectiveness, NPT assembled a panel to discuss the vaccine rollout in Tennessee. Aging Matters: COVID-19 Vaccine in Tennessee premieres Sunday, Jan. 31, at 6:30 p.m. and will also be available for streaming at video.wnpt.org.
NPT’s Will Pedigo moderates the discussion featuring Lisa Piercey, Commissioner, Tennessee Department of Health; Rebecca Kelly, State Director, AARP Tennessee; Stephanie C. McClure, Internist/Geriatrician, Meharry Medical Group; and Ami Mitchell, South Central Regional Director, Tennessee Department of Health.
Topics covered in Aging Matters: COVID-19 Vaccine in Tennessee include: How the vaccine rollout is going so far; the public’s questions and concerns about the vaccine; and the best sources of information to answer those questions (covid19.tn.gov). The show also addresses the emergence of scams aiming to take advantage of people’s desire for the vaccine.
Additional broadcast times for Aging Matters: COVID-19 Vaccine in Tennessee are Saturday, Feb. 6, at 5 p.m. and Sunday, Feb. 7, at 1 p.m. on NPT2.
Aging Matters is made possible by the generous support of the West End Home Foundation, the Jeanette Travis Foundation, The HCA Healthcare Foundation on behalf of Tri-Star Health and Cigna. Additional support was provided by Jackson National Life Insurance Company and the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee.