NPT is proud to be part of The Big Payback — hosted by the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee — this coming May 6, 2014. This 24-hour online charitable giving day will help Middle Tennessee nonprofits raise much-needed unrestricted dollars and bring awareness to pressing needs in our communities.
How It Works:
For 24-hours beginning at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 6 until 6:00 a.m. on Wednesday, May 7, donors can make gifts to NPT through a special link on our website home page ( or through our mini-site at the Big Payback ( Donations will be amplified by incentives, bonuses and additional prizes. It will be a race to the finish!
How You Can Help:
Take a second now to mark May 6 on your calendar. When the day comes, simply donate on our website. The more donations we receive, the more bonuses and prizes we have the chance to win.
For more information, visit The Big Payback website at
See you online on May 6!