No matter how you feel about Valentine’s Day — whether you think it’s a “Hallmark” Holiday, made up to sell cards and chocolate and roses or not — the simple fact is that you can’t escape it. Sure, Valentines Day (this Wednesday) should be everyday, but life gets in the way. If your relationship is in good shape, maybe you and your significant other even attempt the contrarian route, and decide to not even acknowledge Valentine’s Day. You don’t need anyone telling you when to celebrate your love. You don’t buy the card, or the chocolates or the roses, and don’t even go out to a fancy restaurant. Maybe you unwrap the frozen pizza. But try as you might, you’ll still do SOMETHING to mark the day. And bless your heart if you don’t. It’s like the “we’re not buying each other gifts this year” thing. You may not BUY a gift, but if you know how the game works, you better still HAVE a gift. So here’s a romantic idea: watch HIDDEN EPIDEMIC: Heart Disease in America Wednesday, February 14 at 8 p.m. on NPT-Channel 8. Think I’m kidding? I’m not. I don’t care if you TIVO it and watch it next week. Just watch it. Why? Because contrarian or not, the best thing you can do for your sweetheart is to keep yourself alive, and try to keep them alive. I’m not saying, “Honey, I love you so much, let’s cozy up in bed and watch HIDDEN EPIDEMIC” is going to go over well. It probably won’t. But I’ll leave you to decide how to get creative with it. It’s probably one of the most important shows you’ll watch all this month. Perhaps romance will even take on some new dynamics, like the inclusion of a joint walk, run or bike ride. Or a romantic dinner robust with the bright green color of steamed broccoli. And hey, most studies point to a glass of wine going very well with these kinds of things. Not the joint run of course, but maybe after it. And…last I heard, a glass or two is GOOD for you. That’s what I heard though. It could have changed this morning.

By the way, you’re welcome. Happy Valentine’s Day. Cheers.

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