Virtual Ballet Classes

For any serious dancer, taking class is an integral part of each day. Not only for warming up, but also for perfecting techniques with the help of a teacher. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students and teachers at Nashville Ballet had to quickly adapt to meet the needs of this demanding art form.

Nashville Ballet now hosts 15 to 20 daily classes via Zoom. Students are able to ask questions and receive immediate feedback on their movements, as well as interact with their peers. However, dancing in a home environment can be complicated. Whether it is the texture of the floor or the height of the ceiling, the conditions are not be the same as a real studio.

On the other hand, virtual classes create more opportunities to talk about the history, music, and future of dance. Classroom environments may change, but what will not change is a passion for the art form and one’s dedication to becoming an artist.

For more information on Nashville Ballet’s virtual classes, visit: